shark teeth for jewelry
shark jaws for tourist souvenirs
shark skin for leather wallets/belts
shark cartilage capsules and powders for phony medicinal cures
shark liver oil for cosmetics/skin care products
Sharks are in Danger
100 million sharks are killed each year-by longlines, by "sport" fishermen, or by a barbaric practice known as shark finning. Hooked sharks are hauled onto boats; their fins are sliced off while they are still alive. These helpless animals are then tossed back into the ocean where, unable to swim without their fins, they sink towards the bottom and die an agonizing death.
With 90% of the world's large shark populations already wiped out, sharks are being depleted faster than they can reproduce. This threatens the stability of marine ecosystems around the world. Sharks are vitally important apex predators. They have shaped marine life in the oceans for over 400 million years and are essential to the health of the planet, and ultimately to the survival of mankind. Sea Shepherd patrols marine protected areas, exposing the corruption that drives this multi-billion dollar industry and directly intervening to stop the brutal slaughter of sharks.
What You Can Do?!
Donate money to support Sea Shepherd's direct action campaigns.
Don't buy or consume shark products.
Vocally oppose restaurants and shops that sell shark products; demand that they stop.
Educate others on the plight of sharks and their importance to the ecosystem.
Encourage everyone you know to watch the award-winning documentary Sharkwater.
Get a new perspective on sharks.
Myth: Sharks are bloodthirsty man-eaters and ruthless killing machines.
Reality: More people are killed each year by falling vending machines than by sharks.
Quelle: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
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